Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Homeschooling: How we do it. Advice for a New Homeschool Mom with Young Children

I wrote this to a friend who is currently homeschooling her children in 2nd, 1st, and preschool who asked me for advice. Thought I'd post it here too for anyone else interested in what we do.  
We started our school last week and it is going so well! My youngest is now 6, and it does get easier. They are all currently working on their school assignments while I have time to write you! I remember when my children were all much smaller and it was busier and so much more constant. You are in a precious season. It is overwhelming at times, but SO worth it! I will tell you what we kind of do and maybe that will help you.
We usually start off our morning all together on the couch/floor. We pray together and I read a Bible story and a few other books, whatever I or they pick out that sounds fun and interesting. Sometimes it is just fun stories. Sometimes it is history or science type book. Sometimes it is missionary biographies. When they are little, you have to keep it to short picture books. And I try to stop reading before they get bored of it. As they get older, your reading selections can get longer as their attention spans grow. I like a lot of chapter books that are Newberry winners.
Then after that, I start with the oldest and go from the oldest to the youngest, getting them started on what they need to do. I used to feel guilty that I wasn't doing as much with the older, but it is good for them to learn to do it on their own. Preschoolers need more of your time. If your older two are reading (mine weren't at your older kids ages, but some people's are) then they can really do a lot independently. I bought planners from urthemom.com and they are working GREAT! Each Monday, we write in the older kids assignments for the week, and they know what to do each day and are responsible for it. I had wisdom teeth out last week, and the older two still were able to complete their school work because it was all laid out for them in their planner!
My biggest advice is don't stress. When my children were more your children's ages we were more relaxed and did a lot less formal school work, because I was so stressed out and overwhelmed at times. But they do have an amazing ability to catch up. The important thing is that you are living life with your children each day all day and literally pouring yourself out for them. They see God in you and are learning so many things just from being with you every day.
I don't know if you want curriculum info, but here's sort of what I've used and found I like:
Handwriting: A Reason for Handwriting Spelling: A Reason for Spelling Math: Abeka Math, and Calculadder (We don't do the speed drills with Abeka because i started Abeka late and the speed drills are too hard, so trying to catch up with Calculadder speed drills instead.) Literature: Sonlight recommended read-alouds and readers
English: Not sure on this one! I liked Sonlight's LA for K, but didn't have enough commitment to do it much after that. I have an English education degree so I just kind of do our own thing here. Oh, Easy Grammar is a good one I have used too. Have them dictate stories to you to write down before they know how to write. Then as they get older have them write a story or report once a week.
Bible: Ken Taylor Family Time Bible, The Jesus Storybook Bible, Hero Tales, Leading Little Ones to God by Marian Schoolland, Missionary Stores with the Millers
History and Science: Abeka, also Real Science for Kids found at: http://www.gravitaspublications.com/
Unit studies: Five in a Row (for younger) and Konos (I do these when we can, but not all the time.)
For Preschool and younger activities, I don't stress if I let the younger ones watch PBS a little while I do school with the others. We also bought a Smartcycle that entertains Caleb for about an hour and it teaches him numbers and letters along the way. I also like the Letter Factory Videos. Also, set up stations in different areas of your house where they can play with blocks, color, look at books, bang Tupperware and pots and pans together. Utilize nap time if you don't need one yourself. :)
Well, that's what I can think of for now. Hopefully some of it helps!
Have to get back to the kids now.


  1. I so needed to read this. Stress!!! Yep, I feel like I'm on hyper-drive until J gets all his work done, then I am spent, exhausted and cranky! I know I internalize people's well-meaning comments about homeschooling and critique myself constantly. I will try to remember your words that we are literally pouring ourselves into our children. Awesome job! You look just as pretty as you did in college. All five kiddos are cute!

  2. Thank you Carrianne. Just read your blog last night. What trust and patience the Lord must be leading you towards. Proud of you and your family. Praying for you all. Please let me know if I can help in any way. Enjoy your son being home in this season. :)
